The CEO of this well-known PE firm asked for our help with a planned major reorganisation of its corporate structure.  He wanted to make sure that the key members of the senior management team understood the proposed reorganisation, were engaged with it and were consulted in terms of where they saw themselves fitting in to the new structure.

With the brief agreed, we conducted in depth 1:1 interviews with each individual, asking a consistent set of questions so that an anonymised report could be produced for the CEO.  This process ensured full and frank feedback in terms of the general attitude towards the reorganisation, as well as allowing us to produce reports on each individual, with a recommendation as to where they might best fit in going forward.

Having Milestones involved as an independent third party created much greater engagement and the sense that voices were being heard at what could have been a potentially unsettling time.  In the end each, individual was repositioned to reflect their strengths and preferences and the reorganisation progressed much more smoothly as a result.

Quote from CEO

“It was a great help to have someone independent and objective conducting this exercise.  Tim did a great job in establishing trust with the team such that they felt able to speak openly thereby ensuring full buy-in and good outcomes for the firm and the individuals.”